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Community Yoga in Het Paleis

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Community Yoga in Het Paleis door Kelly Opel. Elke dinsdagavond 19:30 in de Erlenmeyerzaal in Cultuurpand Het Paleis, Boterdiep 111 Groningen.

It's all about spreading the good vibes and making yoga available to everyone; no strings attached, no memberships, no signups, pay what you can; for everybody and every body

Where The entrance is the huge blue door on the Bloemsingel by the JUMBO Beren.

When every tuesday, 19:30-20:30 (doors open 19:15)

* please tell me if you are (or were recently) pregnant, injured or have any medical condition. by joining the class, students claim full responsibility for any personal injury. all liability is waived from the event organizers, including instructor and venue.

Cultuurpand Het Paleis /  hoek Boterdiep 111 & Bloemsingel


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Contactpersoon Atelier huren of kopen Bob Klaassen >>> ga naar Contact
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Contact Bedrijfspanden, Judith Vos
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